QXRD  0.11.16
Macros | Functions
TODO.h File Reference

(Commit a65ccc9... : jennings : 2016-03-15 14:00:18 -0500)

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#define TODO_H


 DONE ("2009-08-27","2009-08-27","Check that settings are not being saved twice (in QxrdWindow destructor):")
 DONE ("2009-08-27","2009-08-27","Check thread correctness of acquisition\n""Adopt the same threading model as qavrg")
 DONE ("2009-07-08","2009-07-08","Run script engine in separate thread")
 DONE ("2009-09-13","2009-09-13","Correct signal/slot corrections to use new properties")
 DONE ("2009-06-28","2009-06-28","Cut down the number of warnings - currently 96!\n""Reduced to 7, 6 of those within qwt code")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Add a plausible simulation mode - this should accurately mimic ""the real acquisition.")
 DONE ("2009-08-27","2009-08-27","Add window position/state saving.\n""Load and save settings for everything...")
 DONE ("2009-08-27","2009-08-27","Eliminate the duplicate script engine object from QxrdAcquisitionScripting")
 TODO ("2009-07-20","","Optimise screen redrawing to eliminate redundant replot calls - will need ""a rigorous reorganisation and layering of code to ensure this.")
 DONE ("2009-09-13","2009-09-13","Ensure that program will not overwrite files without warning. Use modified ""file names where necessary. Only do this for programmatic saves, saves ""after a dialog box will already have been given a confirmation dialog\n\n""Done, but there is a bug on linux which stops the file overwrite confirmation ""dialog from being shown.")
 DONE ("2009-09-14","2009-09-14","Automatically reload dark, bad pixel and gain images when program restarts\n""Load/save mask and dark images when program starts/exits, make default mask ""all visible.\n""(Will need to load/save more metadata before this will work well).")
 DONE ("2009-08-27","2015-09-21","Investigate why the vertical window size increases each time program is run ""(Only happens on linux...)\n""Doesn't happen any more!")
 TODO ("2009-08-09","","Implement generalized image slicing routine - integrate over a rectangular ""region, rather than along a line.")
 TODO ("2009-08-09","","Re-implement center finder plot to use routine above.")
 TODO ("2009-08-14","","Add some kind of beam presence detection threshold")
 DONE ("2009-09-15","2009-09-15","Make it possible to interrupt spec more gracefully - add some ""kind of cancel operation.")
 DONE ("2009-08-27","2009-08-27","Allow cancelling to happen sooner - especially during long exposures")
 DONE ("2009-11-13","2009-11-13","Zooming on graphs does not work properly when program first starts - ""graphs need an autoscale operation before they start zooming properly")
 DONE ("2009-09-14","2009-09-14","Add menu commands to show/hide toolbox windows")
 DONE ("2009-09-30","2009-09-30","Automatically add integrated curves to output panel.")
 TODO ("2009-08-24","","Display range choosing doesn't work very well")
 DONE ("2009-09-04","2009-09-04","Dark subtraction doesn't seem to be working at the moment\n""caused by typing 'if (m_DarkFrame = NULL) {'\n""instead of 'if (m_DarkFrame == NULL) {'\n""spotted by following up compiler warnings")
 DONE ("2009-08-27","2015-09-21","Simplify the interactions between the various processing options and ""perform a simple sanity check before starting acquisition\n""Pre-acquisition sanity check added")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","Improve GUI performance when doing rapid acquisition sequences -\n""don't queue processed output images for display - have a current ""and alternate image and swap as appropriate.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Optimize processing routines")
 DONE ("2009-09-11","2009-09-11","Make processing single-threaded")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Flag dropped frames more obviously.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Provide facility to save integrated scans")
 TODO ("2009-08-27","","Leak check...")
 DONE ("2009-09-11","2009-09-11","Coalesce controls from the 'output' panel into the 'acquire' panel")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","Do camera model number check...\n""Check more hardware settings when entering program...\n""Support binning modes...\n""Is not calling Acquisition_Init a problem?")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","Provide a user interface to the camera gain setting")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","Allow finer-grained control of the processing chain")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2015-09-17","Remove the g_Acquisition global and replace it with ""acquisition handles passed via Acquire_SetAcqData")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Rearrange the QxrdAcquisition hierarchy so that ""QxrdAcquisition becomes a base class and ""QxrdAcquisitionPerkinElmer the 'leaf' class that ""is instantiated. Will simplify working with multiple ""detector types.")
 DONE ("2009-09-11","2009-09-11","Check that the load/save data, dark and mask routines ""actually work!\n""The problem was that the file conversion factories for raw and mask data ""were not initialized.")
 TODO ("2009-08-31","","Check handling of image dimensions for mask, acquisition etc.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Try LZW encoding images to see how it affects performance")
 TODO ("2009-09-04","","Don't allow program to quit or start a new acquisition ""until outstanding processing has completed.")
 DONE ("2009-09-11","2009-09-11","Combine the tails of QxrdDataProcessor::processAcquiredInt{16,32}Image ""to eliminate duplicated code.")
 DONE ("2009-09-08","2009-09-08","Provide a means to remove dark image, gain map, mask etc.\n""(and put them back again!)")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Add frame skip option in acquisition")
 DONE ("2009-09-30","2009-09-30","The script:\n""for (i=0; i<6; i++) {\n"" print(\"Camera Gain = \",i);\n"" acquisition.cameraGain = i;\n"" acquire(\"h:/junk-test/testing\",0.1,1,1,0);\n"" while (status(0.5) != 1) {\n"" print(\"Waiting\");\n"" }\n""}\n""gets deadlocked")
 TODO ("2009-09-08","","If acquisition is triggered before sufficient pre-trigger ""images have been taken, then post-triggered acquisition ""will continue until a total of pre- plus post- images ""have been taken - i.e. extra post-trigger images will be ""taken.")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","Add error return checking wherever appropriate -\n""particularly in TIFF, Acquire_ and file i/o routines\n""Check output directory exists before starting acquisition sequence.")
 DONE ("2009-09-30","2009-09-30","Add acquireStatus and processStatus functions and ""processor.status() and acquisition.status() methods ""which test status of acquisition and processing operations")
 DONE ("2009-09-20","2009-09-20","Separate printMessage, warnMessage and errorMessage signals\n""Color code in output.")
 TODO ("2009-09-20","","Binning mode not working")
 DONE ("2009-09-21","2009-09-21","Added user interface to log file choosing")
 DONE ("2009-09-23","2009-09-23","Copy acquisition dynamic properties into acquired images\n""Copy processor dynamic properties into processed images\n""Doesn't work at present because setProperty is not thread-safe")
 DONE ("2009-09-22","2009-09-22","Provide a means of saving raw data files in separate sub-directories")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","the ProcessedCount variable should not depend on the display progress, only ""on the Processor progress.")
 DONE ("2009-09-25","2009-09-25","Something wrong with acquired data summation (16-32 bit problem?)\n""Actually caused by forgetting to clear image before summation.")
 DONE ("2009-09-28","2009-09-28","Masking operations don't seem to work.\n""copyMask operations were other way round")
 DONE ("2009-11-13","2009-11-13","Image doesn't update when display parameters are changed.")
 DONE ("2009-10-02","2009-10-02","There's some kind of deadlock in the acquisition process")
 DONE ("2009-09-30","2009-09-30","Can't interrupt acquisition from GUI if it was started from script\n""The GUI cancel calls should call the acquisition object directly, rather ""than via invokeMethod")
 DONE ("2009-10-02","2009-10-02","Need to limit the number of curves that can be added to the az avg window\n""Need to implement saving the az avg data")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Allow for acquired but not yet processed images when calculating number of ""buffered images.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Investigate whether the intensities would be more stable if the acquisition ""was running continuously rather than being started and stopped during each ""acquisition sequence. - could also include some kind of continuously updating ""display.")
 DONE ("2009-09-30","2015-01-01","Provide commands for printing graphs.")
 DONE ("2009-11-13","2009-11-13","The first average after the program has been started is always zero")
 DONE ("2009-10-21","2009-10-21","Need to re-enable adding sliced data to az avg graph")
 TODO ("2009-10-02","","Implement processor.processDataSequence")
 DONE ("2009-10-05","2009-10-05","Manual integration should update graph and/or save integrated data")
 DONE ("2009-10-21","2009-10-21","Memory handling is still poor, at least in simulation mode. ""If you do a 1000 frame acquisition the memory usage may reach ""~10GB, regardless of the memory usage limit\n""Simulation mode allocates images via new, the PE driver does not, ""so the memory handling is only a problem for simulation mode.")
 DONE ("2009-10-22","2009-10-22","Initial choice of 'home' directory under windows is the application directory ""- a poor place to save data!\n""Added code (in windows only) to set the current directory ""to QDir::homePath() at startup.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","File browser should automatically switch to the output data ""directory when this is changed.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Check that the image buffer memory allocation works before trying ""to use the allocated buffers. (Exception handler needed?)")
 DONE ("2009-11-17","2009-11-17","Investigate a situation which can arise (twice now) where the GUI ""becomes unresponsive even though acquisition and processing continues ""to run. Presumably some kind of race condition?\n""This is caused by poor performance of file browser window. ""I have disabled the file browser for the moment.")
 TODO ("2009-11-13","","Display some progress indication when angular integration is taking place.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Complete implementation of file browser panel")
 DONE ("2009-11-13","2009-11-13","Implement an image statistics panel")
 DONE ("2009-11-13","2009-11-13","Implement an image slice panel")
 DONE ("2009-11-13","2009-11-13","Implement an image histogram panel ?")
 TODO ("2009-11-13","","Implement an image calculator panel ?")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Additional acquisition features requested:\n""Allow skipping frames at start of acquisition,\n""Allow skipping frames between frames of acquisition,\n""Allow saving of intermediate frames as an insurance during long acquisitions "" - alternatively save an 'accumulated' image at the end of an acquisition.\n""Provide some kind of beam intensity monitoring facility and pause acquisition ""when beam is not present.\n""Skip at start doesn't work yet")
 TODO ("2009-11-17","","If qxrd crashes the TCP/IP server socket gets left in CLOSE_WAIT state. ""If you then restart qxrd it will automatically use the next socket ""in sequence - unfortunately spec will still try to use the original socket ""when searching for host:qxrd and will fail to connect.\n""Could try to use SO_REUSEADDR, perhaps.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Errors during acquisition (e.g. file save errors) are handled extremely poorly!")
 DONE ("2010-01-26","2010-01-26","Implement some kind of control of the maximum size of the text ""in the messages window\n""Limited by preferences parameter")
 DONE ("2009-12-03","2015-09-21","Rename 'Correction' panel to 'Processing' ?\n""No longer relevant since correction panel is replaced by ""separate detector control windows")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Provide control of whether dark images are saved - ""probably via the Save 'raw' images option.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Better handling of cancellation would be desirable")
 TODO ("2010-02-04","","Try to find cause of a problem where acquisition stalls during long sequences. ""Seen twice now, application was still responsive afterwards but acquisition ""stopped. On attempting to cancel there were two different results - \n""1: when acquiring dark frame, cancel button did not operate\n""2: when acquiring data, cancel button did operate, but application ""crashed imediately.")
 DONE ("2010-01-26","2010-01-26","Modify handling of file index numbers during acquisition ""so that dark measurements do not increment the file index.\n""This is to simplify subsequent processing of image sequences ""with embedded dark measurements.\n""Done - dark acquisition does not increment index number")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Program doesn't remember output directory (possibly only on OSX?)\n""Also doesn't restore dark image - in fact it doesn't save any preferences at all\n""QxrdDataProcessor properties were not being saved because the writeSettings method ""was in a super class - QxrdDataProcessorBase while the properties were in QxrdDataProcessor")
 DONE ("2010-11-04","2010-11-04","Modify preferences handling so that updated prefs are saved as ""they are modified (or perhaps after a few seconds delay)")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Saved raw images appear to be full of zeroes. No - they are OK")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Add a separate file io thread for image saving.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Image display isn't working any more - perhaps due to initialization ""of m_NewData and/or m_NewMask to NULL in qxrdwindow -\n""Had failed to copy m_Range in QxrdRasterData::copy")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Doesn't auto-load dark data on startup - \n""caused by failure to save QxrdDataProcessor preferences")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Need progress info during acquisition/processing")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Make the average signal level widget allow for the background, ""calculate in data processor thread")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Live image update")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Image statistics/histogram display")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Cancel PE acquisition -> crash\n""Fixed")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Problem with fast readout - the queueing between the PE ""callback thread and the acquisition thread builds up so that the ""buffer numbers are no longer valid")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","There's a skipped readout frame after each readout image is finished"" - this makes image sequences take longer than they should "" - e.g. 0.5 sec exposure, single frame produces a new frame every 1 second.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","The integration routines are not properly threaded...")
 TODO ("2010-09-13","","Need to make the allocator algorithm more optimal.")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Only display dropped frames during acquisition")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Add detector tilt, distance and rotation parameters to center finder window")
 DONE ("2010-09-17","2010-09-17","Update center finder slicing and integration routines to use ""tilt parameters where appropriate\n""not sure what to do for polygon slicing - will ignore for now")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Disable ring fitting dialog")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Add percentile display mode")
 DONE ("2010-11-04","2010-11-04","Add display of bad and over exposed pixels")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Improve user interface for setting debug mode")
 TODO ("2010-09-13","","Update help documentation to reflect changes")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Remove single-threaded and disable cuda processor options")
 DONE ("2010-09-13","2010-09-13","Reduce idle-time CPU load by reducing number of calls to ""idle image routine")
 TODO ("2010-09-13","","Add AB image acquisition mode")
 DONE ("2010-11-04","2010-11-04","Test 64 bit readout mode\n""Works.")
 TODO ("2010-09-23","","Improve behaviour when plugins do not load")
 TODO ("2010-09-23","","Track integrated graph update time to suppress updates during ""rapid acquisition")
 TODO ("2010-09-28","","Find threading problem when quitting debug build - QNativeSocketEngine")
 DONE ("2010-09-28","2010-09-28","Make proxy script objects for GUI script so that they can be called ""from different threads. - or maybe look at putting the script engine ""in the main thread.")
 DONE ("2010-09-28","2010-09-28","Be more aggressive about memory preallocation on 64 bit systems - ""or possibly have another go at recycling images.")
 DONE ("2010-11-03","2010-11-03","Investigate file naming problems when acquiring - sometimes ""data seem to be saved in wrong file names, also metadata not ""always saved.")
 DONE ("2010-11-04","2010-11-04","'trigger()' script command doesnt work - blocks, while ""'acquisition.triggered=1' does work.\n""Does work, but is unintuitive - 'trigger()' returns ""the trigger state, 'trigger(1)' sets the trigger.\n""Changed so that 'trigger()' does a trigger")
 DONE ("2010-11-04","2010-11-04","Make 'preTriggerFiles' default to zero if not given explicitly.\n""If 'acquire(...)' is given 4 or fewer arguments, set ""'preTriggerFiles' to zero.")
 DONE ("2010-11-09","2010-11-09","Metadata is not saved for QcepDoubleImageData, because ""the metadata saving stuff doesn't know about inheritance\n""Changed QcepImageData::writeSettings to use staticMetaObject ""rather than metaObject()")
 TODO ("2012-01-09","","Gain setting menu missing for PE acquisition")
 TODO ("2012-01-09","","Crashes on exit from PE acquisition")
 DONE ("2010-11-04","2014-03-05","Start thinking about how to synchronise acquisition with ""external processes - possible support for running a ""National Instruments MIO card in sync with acquisition")
 TODO ("2010-11-04","","Add a status function which waits until sufficient ""pre-trigger files have been acquired.")
 TODO ("2011-02-24","","Load/Save mask stack state on program entry/exit")
 TODO ("2011-02-24","","Overall mask should be made to be a combination of the various ""mask stack levels.")
 TODO ("2011-01-17","","Make the PE acquisition code work for a wider variety ""of PE detectors, ideally for all of them. Need to check ""model number before trying to e.g. set gain, or allow ""failures when setting gain to still permit acquisition.")
 TODO ("2011-01-17","","PE Acquisition fails in debug builds - sending messages ""to object in different thread")
 DONE ("2012-12-05","2012-12-05","May crash on exit if live view active\n""Fixed by improving memory allocation tracking by using more QSharedPointers")
 TODO ("2014-03-05","","Mouse click behavior for pickers needs to be reviewed/modified - esp. polygon pickers")
 TODO ("2014-03-05","","Investigate display update behaviour when scaling parameters changed")
 DONE ("2015-09-18","2015-10-14","Fix problem where the saved dark image path is incorrect if the ""dark image acquired was a duplicate and was renamed. Also for masks, potentially")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","Do we really need QxrdAcquisitionParameterPack and QxrdDarkAcquisitionParameterPack - yes")
 TODO ("2015-09-20","","Fix problems when copying dynamic properties between objects in different threads - get ""errors in debug builds because dynamic property changed events get sent.")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","Enable sorting in TODO list view")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","TODO List items should resize to contents, with word wrap")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","Implement separate processing chain for acquired data, attached to each detector")
 TODO ("2015-09-20","","Implement multi-threaded tiled integration routines to reduce integration latency")
 TODO ("2015-09-20","","Implement ROI intensity calculations")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","Implement UI to set up and visualize ROIs")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","Implement routines to pass ROI values to spec as macro counter channels")
 TODO ("2015-09-20","","Implement Pilatus Detector readout")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-09-21","Implement detector enable/disable\n""Now working")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-14","Implement multi-detector readout")
 TODO ("2015-09-20","","Improve NI-DAQ extra inputs readout - support detector enable")
 DONE ("2015-09-20","2015-10-23","Detector enable script commands -\n""detector(n).enabled=<true|false>")
 TODO ("2015-09-20","","Improve NI-DAQ output synchronization")
 TODO ("2015-09-22","","Redo acquireStatus function")
 TODO ("2015-09-29","","Updates to saved settings not stored as properties do not trigger re-saves")
 DONE ("2015-10-05","2015-10-13","Implement masking in ROI calculations")
 DONE ("2015-10-05","2015-10-14","Reimplement mask/dark/gain loading in detector initialization")
 DONE ("2015-10-06","2015-10-14","Make file index, phase number available as scaler channels"" - global channels though, since they are identical for each detector")
 TODO ("2015-10-07","","Need to make sure detector image processing steps are not too slow")
 DONE ("2015-10-12","2015-10-14","Implement 'Live View at Idle' flags for multi-detector acquisition")
 TODO ("2015-10-14","","Implement different output file format options")
 DONE ("2015-10-21","2015-10-23","Finish implementing remaining ROI calculations")
 TODO ("2015-10-21","","Find if/why mask range commands don't seem to work")
 TODO ("2015-10-21","","Fix mask display issues in detector control windows")
 TODO ("2016-03-07","","Investigate problems with last column of polar transforms")
 DONE ("2016-03-07","2016-03-15","Reinstate self normalize option for polar normalized integration")
 TODO ("2016-03-07","","Auto plotting of polar normalized integration results")
 TODO ("2016-03-09","","Make peak fitting and ring tracing routines honour masks")
 DONE ("2016-03-09","2016-03-15","Make peak fitting and ring tracing save results as data objects")
 TODO ("2016-03-09","","Rework masking operations to make them a bit easier to use")
 TODO ("2016-03-09","","Add undo facility to mask operations")
 TODO ("2016-03-09","","Make sure that detector data processing options and parameters are easy to set up"" - possibly support copying parameters from the main processor to the detector processors")
 TODO ("2016-03-09","","Implement QxrdCalibrant duplication, deletion and property dialog")
 TODO ("2016-03-11","","Powder point renormalization should update data objects")
 DONE ("2016-03-11","2016-03-15","Center Finder should use calibrant library, instead of its own internal vars")

Macro Definition Documentation

#define TODO_H

Function Documentation

DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2009-08-27"  ,
"Check that settings are not being saved twice (in QxrdWindow destructor):"   
DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2009-08-27"  ,
"Check thread correctness of acquisition\n""Adopt the same threading model as qavrg"   
DONE ( "2009-07-08"  ,
"2009-07-08"  ,
"Run script engine in separate thread"   
DONE ( "2009-09-13"  ,
"2009-09-13"  ,
"Correct signal/slot corrections to use new properties"   
DONE ( "2009-06-28"  ,
"2009-06-28"  ,
"Cut down the number of warnings - currently 96!\n""Reduced to  7,
6 of those within qwt code"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Add a plausible simulation mode - this should accurately mimic ""the real acquisition."   
DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2009-08-27"  ,
"Add window position/state saving.\n""Load and save settings for everything..."   
DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2009-08-27"  ,
"Eliminate the duplicate script engine object from QxrdAcquisitionScripting"   
DONE ( "2009-09-13"  ,
"2009-09-13"  ,
"Ensure that program will not overwrite files without warning. Use modified ""file names where necessary. Only do this for programmatic  saves,
saves""after a dialog box will already have been given a confirmation dialog\n\n""  Done,
but there is a bug on linux which stops the file overwrite confirmation""dialog from being shown."   
DONE ( "2009-09-14"  ,
"2009-09-14"  ,
"Automatically reload  dark,
bad pixel and gain images when program restarts\n""Load/save mask and dark images when program starts/  exits,
make default mask""all visible.\n""(Will need to load/save more metadata before this will work well)."   
DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2015-09-21"  ,
"Investigate why the vertical window size increases each time program is run ""(Only happens on linux...)\n""Doesn't happen any more!"   
DONE ( "2009-09-15"  ,
"2009-09-15"  ,
"Make it possible to interrupt spec more gracefully - add some ""kind of cancel operation."   
DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2009-08-27"  ,
"Allow cancelling to happen sooner - especially during long exposures"   
DONE ( "2009-11-13"  ,
"2009-11-13"  ,
"Zooming on graphs does not work properly when program first starts - ""graphs need an autoscale operation before they start zooming properly"   
DONE ( "2009-09-14"  ,
"2009-09-14"  ,
"Add menu commands to show/hide toolbox windows"   
DONE ( "2009-09-30"  ,
"2009-09-30"  ,
"Automatically add integrated curves to output panel."   
DONE ( "2009-09-04"  ,
DONE ( "2009-08-27"  ,
"2015-09-21"  ,
"Simplify the interactions between the various processing options and ""perform a simple sanity check before starting acquisition\n""Pre-acquisition sanity check added"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Improve GUI performance when doing rapid acquisition sequences -\n""don't queue processed output images for display - have a current ""and alternate image and swap as appropriate."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Optimize processing routines"   
DONE ( "2009-09-11"  ,
"2009-09-11"  ,
"Make processing single-threaded"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Flag dropped frames more obviously."   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Add timestamps and other metadata to saved files\n""e.g.  TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION,
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Provide facility to save integrated scans"   
DONE ( "2009-09-11"  ,
"2009-09-11"  ,
"Coalesce controls from the 'output' panel into the 'acquire' panel"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Do camera model number check...\n""Check more hardware settings when entering program...\n""Support binning modes...\n""Is not calling Acquisition_Init a problem?"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Provide a user interface to the camera gain setting"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Allow finer-grained control of the processing chain"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2015-09-17"  ,
"Remove the g_Acquisition global and replace it with ""acquisition handles passed via Acquire_SetAcqData"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Rearrange the QxrdAcquisition hierarchy so that ""QxrdAcquisition becomes a base class and ""QxrdAcquisitionPerkinElmer the 'leaf' class that ""is instantiated. Will simplify working with multiple ""detector types."   
DONE ( "2009-09-11"  ,
"2009-09-11"  ,
"Check that the load/save  data,
dark and mask routines""actually work!\n""The problem was that the file conversion factories for raw and mask data""were not initialized."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Try LZW encoding images to see how it affects performance"   
DONE ( "2009-09-11"  ,
"2009-09-11"  ,
"Combine the tails of QxrdDataProcessor::processAcquiredInt{16,32}Image ""to eliminate duplicated code."   
DONE ( "2009-09-08"  ,
"2009-09-08"  ,
"Provide a means to remove dark  image,
gain  map,
mask etc.\n""(and put them back again!)"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Add frame skip option in acquisition"   
DONE ( "2009-09-30"  ,
"2009-09-30"  ,
"The script:\n""for (i=0; i<6; i++) {\n"" print(\"Camera Gain = \",i);\n"" acquisition.cameraGain = i;\n"" acquire(\"h:/junk-test/testing\",0.1,1,1,0);\n"" while (status(0.5) != 1) {\n"" print(\"Waiting\");\n"" }\n""}\n""gets deadlocked"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Add error return checking wherever appropriate -\n""particularly in  TIFF,
Acquire_ and file i/o routines\n""Check output directory exists before starting acquisition sequence."   
DONE ( "2009-09-30"  ,
"2009-09-30"  ,
"Add acquireStatus and processStatus functions and ""processor.status() and acquisition.status() methods ""which test status of acquisition and processing operations"   
DONE ( "2009-09-20"  ,
"2009-09-20"  ,
"Separate  printMessage,
warnMessage and errorMessage signals\n""Color code in output."   
DONE ( "2009-09-21"  ,
"2009-09-21"  ,
"Added user interface to log file choosing"   
DONE ( "2009-09-23"  ,
"2009-09-23"  ,
"Copy acquisition dynamic properties into acquired images\n""Copy processor dynamic properties into processed images\n""Doesn't work at present because setProperty is not thread-safe"   
DONE ( "2009-09-22"  ,
"2009-09-22"  ,
"Provide a means of saving raw data files in separate sub-directories"   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"the ProcessedCount variable should not depend on the display  progress,
only""on the Processor progress."   
DONE ( "2009-09-25"  ,
"2009-09-25"  ,
"Something wrong with acquired data summation (16-32 bit problem?)\n""Actually caused by forgetting to clear image before summation."   
DONE ( "2009-09-28"  ,
"2009-09-28"  ,
"Masking operations don't seem to work.\n""copyMask operations were other way round"   
DONE ( "2009-11-13"  ,
"2009-11-13"  ,
"Image doesn't update when display parameters are changed."   
DONE ( "2009-10-02"  ,
"2009-10-02"  ,
"There's some kind of deadlock in the acquisition process"   
DONE ( "2009-09-30"  ,
"2009-09-30"  ,
"Can't interrupt acquisition from GUI if it was started from script\n""The GUI cancel calls should call the acquisition object  directly,
rather""than via invokeMethod"   
DONE ( "2009-10-02"  ,
"2009-10-02"  ,
"Need to limit the number of curves that can be added to the az avg window\n""Need to implement saving the az avg data"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Allow for acquired but not yet processed images when calculating number of ""buffered images."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Investigate whether the intensities would be more stable if the acquisition ""was running continuously rather than being started and stopped during each ""acquisition sequence. - could also include some kind of continuously updating ""display."   
DONE ( "2009-09-30"  ,
"2015-01-01"  ,
"Provide commands for printing graphs."   
DONE ( "2009-11-13"  ,
"2009-11-13"  ,
"The first average after the program has been started is always zero"   
DONE ( "2009-10-21"  ,
"2009-10-21"  ,
"Need to re-enable adding sliced data to az avg graph"   
DONE ( "2009-10-05"  ,
"2009-10-05"  ,
"Manual integration should update graph and/or save integrated data"   
DONE ( "2009-10-21"  ,
"2009-10-21"  ,
"Memory handling is still  poor,
at least in simulation mode.""If you do a 1000 frame acquisition the memory usage may reach""~  10GB,
regardless of the memory usage limit\n""Simulation mode allocates images via  new,
the PE driver does  not,
""so the memory handling is only a problem for simulation mode."   
DONE ( "2009-10-22"  ,
"2009-10-22"  ,
"Initial choice of 'home' directory under windows is the application directory ""- a poor place to save data!\n""Added code (in windows only) to set the current directory ""to QDir::homePath() at startup."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"File browser should automatically switch to the output data ""directory when this is changed."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Check that the image buffer memory allocation works before trying ""to use the allocated buffers. (Exception handler needed?)"   
DONE ( "2009-11-17"  ,
"2009-11-17"  ,
"Investigate a situation which can arise (twice now) where the GUI ""becomes unresponsive even though acquisition and processing continues ""to run. Presumably some kind of race condition?\n""This is caused by poor performance of file browser window. ""I have disabled the file browser for the moment."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Complete implementation of file browser panel"   
DONE ( "2009-11-13"  ,
"2009-11-13"  ,
"Implement an image statistics panel"   
DONE ( "2009-11-13"  ,
"2009-11-13"  ,
"Implement an image slice panel"   
DONE ( "2009-11-13"  ,
"2009-11-13"  ,
"Implement an image histogram panel ?"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Additional acquisition features requested:\n""Allow skipping frames at start of  acquisition,
\n""Allow skipping frames between frames of  acquisition,
\n""Allow saving of intermediate frames as an insurance during long acquisitions""-alternatively save an 'accumulated'image at the end of an acquisition.\n""Provide some kind of beam intensity monitoring facility and pause acquisition""when beam is not present.\n""Skip at start doesn't work yet"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Errors during acquisition (e.g. file save errors) are handled extremely poorly!"   
DONE ( "2010-01-26"  ,
"2010-01-26"  ,
"Implement some kind of control of the maximum size of the text ""in the messages window\n""Limited by preferences parameter"   
DONE ( "2009-12-03"  ,
"2015-09-21"  ,
"Rename 'Correction' panel to 'Processing' ?\n""No longer relevant since correction panel is replaced by ""separate detector control windows"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Provide control of whether dark images are saved - ""probably via the Save 'raw' images option."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Better handling of cancellation would be desirable"   
DONE ( "2010-01-26"  ,
"2010-01-26"  ,
"Modify handling of file index numbers during acquisition ""so that dark measurements do not increment the file index.\n""This is to simplify subsequent processing of image sequences ""with embedded dark measurements.\n""Done - dark acquisition does not increment index number"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Program doesn't remember output directory (possibly only on OSX?)\n""Also doesn't restore dark image - in fact it doesn't save any preferences at all\n""QxrdDataProcessor properties were not being saved because the writeSettings method ""was in a super class - QxrdDataProcessorBase while the properties were in QxrdDataProcessor  
DONE ( "2010-11-04"  ,
"2010-11-04"  ,
"Modify preferences handling so that updated prefs are saved as ""they are modified (or perhaps after a few seconds delay)"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Saved raw images appear to be full of zeroes. No - they are OK"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Add a separate file io thread for image saving."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Image display isn't working any more - perhaps due to initialization ""of m_NewData and/or m_NewMask to NULL in qxrdwindow -\n""Had failed to copy m_Range in QxrdRasterData::copy"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Doesn't auto-load dark data on startup - \n""caused by failure to save QxrdDataProcessor preferences"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Need progress info during acquisition/processing"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Make the average signal level widget allow for the  background,
""calculate in data processor thread"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Live image update"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Image statistics/histogram display"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Cancel PE acquisition -> crash\n""Fixed"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Problem with fast readout - the queueing between the PE ""callback thread and the acquisition thread builds up so that the ""buffer numbers are no longer valid"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"There's a skipped readout frame after each readout image is finished"" - this makes image sequences take longer than they should "" - e.g. 0.5 sec  exposure,
single frame produces a new frame every 1 second."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"The integration routines are not properly threaded..."   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Only display dropped frames during acquisition"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Add detector  tilt,
distance and rotation parameters to center finder window"   
DONE ( "2010-09-17"  ,
"2010-09-17"  ,
"Update center finder slicing and integration routines to use ""tilt parameters where appropriate\n""not sure what to do for polygon slicing - will ignore for now"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Disable ring fitting dialog"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Add percentile display mode"   
DONE ( "2010-11-04"  ,
"2010-11-04"  ,
"Add display of bad and over exposed pixels"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Improve user interface for setting debug mode"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Remove single-threaded and disable cuda processor options"   
DONE ( "2010-09-13"  ,
"2010-09-13"  ,
"Reduce idle-time CPU load by reducing number of calls to ""idle image routine"   
DONE ( "2010-11-04"  ,
"2010-11-04"  ,
"Test 64 bit readout mode\n""Works."   
DONE ( "2010-09-28"  ,
"2010-09-28"  ,
"Make proxy script objects for GUI script so that they can be called ""from different threads. - or maybe look at putting the script engine ""in the main thread."   
DONE ( "2010-09-28"  ,
"2010-09-28"  ,
"Be more aggressive about memory preallocation on 64 bit systems - ""or possibly have another go at recycling images."   
DONE ( "2010-11-03"  ,
"2010-11-03"  ,
"Investigate file naming problems when acquiring - sometimes ""data seem to be saved in wrong file  names,
also metadata not""always saved."   
DONE ( "2010-11-04"  ,
"2010-11-04"  ,
"'trigger()' script command doesnt work -  blocks,
while""'acquisition.  triggered = 1' does work.\n""Does work,
but is unintuitive- 'trigger()'returns""the trigger  state,
'trigger(1)'sets the trigger.\n""Changed so that 'trigger()'does a trigger"   
DONE ( "2010-11-04"  ,
"2010-11-04"  ,
"Make 'preTriggerFiles' default to zero if not given explicitly.\n""If 'acquire(...)' is given 4 or fewer  arguments,
set""'preTriggerFiles'to zero."   
DONE ( "2010-11-09"  ,
"2010-11-09"  ,
"Metadata is not saved for  QcepDoubleImageData,
because""the metadata saving stuff doesn't know about inheritance\n""Changed QcepImageData::writeSettings to use staticMetaObject""rather than metaObject()"   
DONE ( "2010-11-04"  ,
"2014-03-05"  ,
"Start thinking about how to synchronise acquisition with ""external processes - possible support for running a ""National Instruments MIO card in sync with acquisition"   
DONE ( "2012-12-05"  ,
"2012-12-05"  ,
"May crash on exit if live view active\n""Fixed by improving memory allocation tracking by using more QSharedPointers"   
DONE ( "2015-09-18"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Fix problem where the saved dark image path is incorrect if the ""dark image acquired was a duplicate and was renamed. Also for  masks,
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Do we really need QxrdAcquisitionParameterPack and QxrdDarkAcquisitionParameterPack - yes"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Enable sorting in TODO list view"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"TODO List items should resize to  contents,
with word wrap"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Implement separate processing chain for acquired  data,
attached to each detector"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Implement UI to set up and visualize ROIs"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Implement routines to pass ROI values to spec as macro counter channels"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-09-21"  ,
"Implement detector enable/disable\n""Now working"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Implement multi-detector readout"   
DONE ( "2015-09-20"  ,
DONE ( "2015-10-05"  ,
"2015-10-13"  ,
"Implement masking in ROI calculations"   
DONE ( "2015-10-05"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Reimplement mask/dark/gain loading in detector initialization"   
DONE ( "2015-10-06"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Make file  index,
phase number available as scaler channels""-global channels  though,
since they are identical for each detector"   
DONE ( "2015-10-12"  ,
"2015-10-14"  ,
"Implement 'Live View at Idle' flags for multi-detector acquisition"   
DONE ( "2015-10-21"  ,
"2015-10-23"  ,
"Finish implementing remaining ROI calculations"   
DONE ( "2016-03-07"  ,
"2016-03-15"  ,
"Reinstate self normalize option for polar normalized integration"   
DONE ( "2016-03-09"  ,
"2016-03-15"  ,
"Make peak fitting and ring tracing save results as data objects"   
DONE ( "2016-03-11"  ,
"2016-03-15"  ,
"Center Finder should use calibrant  library,
instead of its own internal vars"   
TODO ( "2009-07-20"  ,
""  ,
"Optimise screen redrawing to eliminate redundant replot calls - will need ""a rigorous reorganisation and layering of code to ensure this."   
TODO ( "2009-08-09"  ,
""  ,
"Implement generalized image slicing routine - integrate over a rectangular ""  region,
rather than along a line."   
TODO ( "2009-08-09"  ,
""  ,
"Re-implement center finder plot to use routine above."   
TODO ( "2009-08-14"  ,
""  ,
"Add some kind of beam presence detection threshold"   
TODO ( "2009-08-24"  ,
""  ,
"Display range choosing doesn't work very well"   
TODO ( "2009-08-27"  ,
""  ,
"Leak check..."   
TODO ( "2009-08-31"  ,
""  ,
"Check handling of image dimensions for  mask,
acquisition etc."   
TODO ( "2009-09-04"  ,
""  ,
"Don't allow program to quit or start a new acquisition ""until outstanding processing has completed."   
TODO ( "2009-09-08"  ,
""  ,
"If acquisition is triggered before sufficient pre-trigger ""images have been  taken,
then post-triggered acquisition""will continue until a total of pre-plus post-images""have been taken-i.e.extra post-trigger images will be""taken."   
TODO ( "2009-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Binning mode not working"   
TODO ( "2009-10-02"  ,
""  ,
"Implement processor.processDataSequence"   
TODO ( "2009-11-13"  ,
""  ,
"Display some progress indication when angular integration is taking place."   
TODO ( "2009-11-13"  ,
""  ,
"Implement an image calculator panel ?"   
TODO ( "2009-11-17"  ,
""  ,
"If qxrd crashes the TCP/IP server socket gets left in CLOSE_WAIT state. ""If you then restart qxrd it will automatically use the next socket ""in sequence - unfortunately spec will still try to use the original socket ""when searching for host:qxrd and will fail to connect.\n""Could try to use  SO_REUSEADDR,
TODO ( "2010-02-04"  ,
""  ,
"Try to find cause of a problem where acquisition stalls during long sequences. ""Seen twice  now,
application was still responsive afterwards but acquisition""stopped.On attempting to cancel there were two different results-\n""1:when acquiring dark  frame,
cancel button did not operate\n""2:when acquiring  data,
cancel button did  operate,
but application""crashed imediately."   
TODO ( "2010-09-13"  ,
""  ,
"Need to make the allocator algorithm more optimal."   
TODO ( "2010-09-13"  ,
""  ,
"Update help documentation to reflect changes"   
TODO ( "2010-09-13"  ,
""  ,
"Add AB image acquisition mode"   
TODO ( "2010-09-23"  ,
""  ,
"Improve behaviour when plugins do not load"   
TODO ( "2010-09-23"  ,
""  ,
"Track integrated graph update time to suppress updates during ""rapid acquisition"   
TODO ( "2010-09-28"  ,
""  ,
"Find threading problem when quitting debug build - QNativeSocketEngine"   
TODO ( "2012-01-09"  ,
""  ,
"Gain setting menu missing for PE acquisition"   
TODO ( "2012-01-09"  ,
""  ,
"Crashes on exit from PE acquisition"   
TODO ( "2010-11-04"  ,
""  ,
"Add a status function which waits until sufficient ""pre-trigger files have been acquired."   
TODO ( "2011-02-24"  ,
""  ,
"Load/Save mask stack state on program entry/exit"   
TODO ( "2011-02-24"  ,
""  ,
"Overall mask should be made to be a combination of the various ""mask stack levels."   
TODO ( "2011-01-17"  ,
""  ,
"Make the PE acquisition code work for a wider variety ""of PE  detectors,
ideally for all of them.Need to check""model number before trying to e.g.set  gain,
or allow""failures when setting gain to still permit acquisition."   
TODO ( "2011-01-17"  ,
""  ,
"PE Acquisition fails in debug builds - sending messages ""to object in different thread"   
TODO ( "2014-03-05"  ,
""  ,
"Mouse click behavior for pickers needs to be reviewed/modified - esp. polygon pickers"   
TODO ( "2014-03-05"  ,
""  ,
"Investigate display update behaviour when scaling parameters changed"   
TODO ( "2015-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Fix problems when copying dynamic properties between objects in different threads - get ""errors in debug builds because dynamic property changed events get sent."   
TODO ( "2015-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Implement multi-threaded tiled integration routines to reduce integration latency"   
TODO ( "2015-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Implement ROI intensity calculations"   
TODO ( "2015-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Implement Pilatus Detector readout"   
TODO ( "2015-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Improve NI-DAQ extra inputs readout - support detector enable"   
TODO ( "2015-09-20"  ,
""  ,
"Improve NI-DAQ output synchronization"   
TODO ( "2015-09-22"  ,
""  ,
"Redo acquireStatus function"   
TODO ( "2015-09-29"  ,
""  ,
"Updates to saved settings not stored as properties do not trigger re-saves"   
TODO ( "2015-10-07"  ,
""  ,
"Need to make sure detector image processing steps are not too slow"   
TODO ( "2015-10-14"  ,
""  ,
"Implement different output file format options"   
TODO ( "2015-10-21"  ,
""  ,
"Find if/why mask range commands don't seem to work"   
TODO ( "2015-10-21"  ,
""  ,
"Fix mask display issues in detector control windows"   
TODO ( "2016-03-07"  ,
""  ,
"Investigate problems with last column of polar transforms"   
TODO ( "2016-03-07"  ,
""  ,
"Auto plotting of polar normalized integration results"   
TODO ( "2016-03-09"  ,
""  ,
"Make peak fitting and ring tracing routines honour masks"   
TODO ( "2016-03-09"  ,
""  ,
"Rework masking operations to make them a bit easier to use"   
TODO ( "2016-03-09"  ,
""  ,
"Add undo facility to mask operations"   
TODO ( "2016-03-09"  ,
""  ,
"Make sure that detector data processing options and parameters are easy to set up"" - possibly support copying parameters from the main processor to the detector processors"   
TODO ( "2016-03-09"  ,
""  ,
"Implement QxrdCalibrant  duplication,
deletion and property dialog"   
TODO ( "2016-03-11"  ,
""  ,
"Powder point renormalization should update data objects"   