QXRD  0.11.16
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
QcepImageData< T > Class Template Reference

#include <qcepimagedata-ptr.h>

Inheritance diagram for QcepImageData< T >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QcepImageData< T >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 QcepImageData (QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver, int width, int height, T def, QcepObject *parent)
virtual ~QcepImageData ()
bool readImage (QString filename)
void resize (int width, int height)
void clear ()
void fill (double val)
double getImageData (int x, int y) const
QVector< double > getImageData (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) const
void setImageData (int x, int y, double v)
virtual void saveData (QString &name, QString filter, Overwrite canOverwrite=NoOverwrite)
void saveTIFFData (QString name)
double minValue () const
double maxValue () const
QPointF percentileRange (double lowpct, double highpct)
double sumInRectangle (QRectF rect)
double averageInRectangle (QRectF rect)
double minInRectangle (QRectF rect)
double maxInRectangle (QRectF rect)
double sumInEllipse (QRectF rect)
double averageInEllipse (QRectF rect)
double minInEllipse (QRectF rect)
double maxInEllipse (QRectF rect)
double sumInPeak (QRectF rect)
template<typename T2 >
void subtractDark (const QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > dark)
void calculateRange ()
void calculateRangeInCircle ()
void dumpPixels (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
T * data ()
value (int x, int y) const
value (double x, double y) const
void setValue (int x, int y, T val)
void addValue (int x, int y, T val)
void subtractValue (int x, int y, T val)
void multiplyValue (int x, int y, T val)
void divideValue (int x, int y, T val)
defaultValue () const
void setDefaultValue (T def)
QString rawFileName ()
template<typename T2 >
void copyImage (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > dest)
template<typename T2 >
void copyFrom (const QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > img)
template<typename T2 >
void accumulateImage (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > image)
template<typename T2 >
void add (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > image)
template<typename T2 >
void subtract (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > image)
template<typename T2 >
void multiply (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > image)
template<typename T2 >
void divide (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > > image)
void setMask (QcepMaskDataPtr mask, QcepMaskDataPtr overflow)
QcepMaskDataPtr mask () const
QcepMaskDataPtr overflow () const
double correlate (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > image, int dx, int dy, int mx, int my)
void shiftImage (QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > image, double dx, double dy)
findMin () const
findMax () const
double findAverage () const
void correctBadBackgroundSubtraction (QcepDoubleImageDataPtr dark, int nImgExposures, int nDarkExposures)
void saveTIFFData (QString name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QcepImageDataBase
 QcepImageDataBase (QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver, int width, int height, int size, QcepObject *parent)
virtual ~QcepImageDataBase ()
QString get_DateString () const
void set_DateString (QString)
QString get_DataTypeName () const
void set_DataTypeName (QString)
void copyProperties (QcepImageDataBase *dest)
void copyPropertiesFrom (QSharedPointer< QcepImageDataBase > src)
void loadMetaData ()
void saveMetaData ()
void saveMetaData (QString name)
void saveTextData (QString name, QString sep, bool transp=false)
void setDefaultFileName (QString path)
virtual QString fileFormatFilterString ()
QString fileFormatTIFF ()
QString fileFormatTabDelimited ()
QString fileFormatTransposedTabDelimited ()
QString fileFormatCSV ()
QString fileFormatTransposedCSV ()
QMutex * mutex ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QcepDataObject
 QcepDataObject (QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver, QString name, int byteSize, QcepObject *parent)
virtual ~QcepDataObject ()
QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver ()
virtual int childCount () const
virtual QcepDataObjectPtr item (int n)
virtual QcepDataObjectPtr item (QString nm)
virtual void setParentItem (QcepDataGroupWPtr parent)
virtual int indexInParent () const
virtual int rowCount () const
virtual int columnCount () const
virtual QVariant columnData (int col) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QcepObject
 QcepObject (QString name, QcepObject *parent)
virtual ~QcepObject ()
virtual void writeSettings (QSettings *set, QString section)
virtual void readSettings (QSettings *set, QString section)
QString get_Name () const
void set_Name (QString name)

Static Public Member Functions

static QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > newImage (QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver, QString name, int width, int height, QcepObject *parent)
static QScriptValue toScriptValue (QScriptEngine *engine, const QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > &data)
static void fromScriptValue (const QScriptValue &obj, QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > &data)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QcepImageDataBase
static double secondsSinceEpoch ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QcepDataObject
static QcepDataObjectPtr newDataObject (QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver, QString name, QcepObject *parent)
static QScriptValue toScriptValue (QScriptEngine *engine, const QcepDataObjectPtr &data)
static void fromScriptValue (const QScriptValue &obj, QcepDataObjectPtr &data)
static int allocatedObjects ()
static int deletedObjects ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QcepObject
static int allocatedObjects ()
static int deletedObjects ()
static QSet< QcepObject * > allocatedObjectsSet ()
static QString addSlashes (QString str)

Protected Attributes

QVector< T > m_Image
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Overflow
- Protected Attributes inherited from QcepImageDataBase
int m_ImageCounter
QcepSettingsSaverWPtr m_Saver

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QcepImageDataBase
enum  {
  UndefinedData, Raw16Data, Raw32Data, DarkData,
  MaskData, SubtractedData, GainData, BadPixelsData
- Public Types inherited from QcepDataObject
enum  Overwrite { NoOverwrite, CanOverwrite }
- Public Slots inherited from QcepImageDataBase
virtual QString description () const
void printMessage (QString msg, QDateTime ts=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const
double hValue (int n) const
double vValue (int n) const
- Public Slots inherited from QcepDataObject
virtual QString description () const
QString metaTypeName (int id) const
QString pathName () const
QcepDataGroupPtr rootItem ()
virtual QcepDataGroupPtr parentItem () const
- Public Slots inherited from QcepObject
virtual void printLine (QString line)
virtual void printMessage (QString msg, QDateTime dt=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const
virtual void criticalMessage (QString msg, QDateTime ts=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const
virtual void statusMessage (QString msg, QDateTime ts=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const
virtual QString settingsScript ()
QString scriptValueLiteral (QVariant v)
- Signals inherited from QcepDataObject
void dataObjectChanged ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QcepDataObject
void mkPath (QString filePath)
QString uniqueFileName (QString name)
- Properties inherited from QcepImageDataBase
int width
int height
double hStart
double hStep
double vStart
double vStep
QString hLabel
QString hUnits
QString vLabel
QString vUnits
int dataType
QString dataTypeName
QString fileBase
QString title
int readoutMode
double exposureTime
int summedExposures
int imageSequenceNumber
int imageNumber
int phaseNumber
int nPhases
QDateTime dateTime
QString dateString
double timeStamp
int hBinning
int vBinning
double cameraGain
int triggered
QString userComment1
QString userComment2
QString userComment3
QString userComment4
QcepDoubleList normalization
QcepDoubleList extraInputs
bool used
- Properties inherited from QcepDataObject
QString type
quint64 byteSize
QString creator
QString version
QString qtVersion
QString description
QString fileName
int objectSaved
- Properties inherited from QcepObject
QString name

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class QcepImageData< T >

Definition at line 7 of file qcepimagedata-ptr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T>
QcepImageData< T >::QcepImageData ( QcepSettingsSaverWPtr  saver,
int  width,
int  height,
QcepObject parent 

Definition at line 338 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS, HEXARG, QcepImageData< T >::m_Image, QcepObject::name, QcepImageDataBase::printMessage(), and qcepDebug().

339  : QcepImageDataBase(saver, width, height, width*height*sizeof(T), parent),
340  // m_Image(width*height, def),
342  m_MinValue(0),
343  m_MaxValue(0),
344  m_Default(def),
345  m_Mask(NULL),
346  m_Overflow(NULL)
347 {
349  printMessage(tr("QcepImageData<%1>::QcepImageData %2")
350  .arg(typeid(T).name())
351  .HEXARG(this));
352  }
354  if (def) {
355  m_Image.fill(def);
356  }
358  set_Type("Image Data");
359 }
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Overflow
qint64 qcepDebug(int cond)
Definition: qcepdebug.cpp:26
QcepImageDataBase(QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver, int width, int height, int size, QcepObject *parent)
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask
void printMessage(QString msg, QDateTime ts=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const
#define HEXARG(a)
Definition: qcepdebug.h:50
QVector< T > m_Image
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49
QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver()

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QcepImageData< T >::~QcepImageData ( )

Definition at line 362 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS, HEXARG, QcepObject::name, QcepImageDataBase::printMessage(), and qcepDebug().

363 {
365  printMessage(tr("QcepImageData<%1>::~QcepImageData %2")
366  .arg(typeid(T).name())
367  .HEXARG(this));
368  }
369 }
qint64 qcepDebug(int cond)
Definition: qcepdebug.cpp:26
void printMessage(QString msg, QDateTime ts=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const
#define HEXARG(a)
Definition: qcepdebug.h:50
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::accumulateImage< double > ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  image)

Definition at line 770 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::addValue(), and QcepImageData< T >::data().

771 {
772  if (image) {
773  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
774  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
776  this->prop_SummedExposures()->incValue(image->get_SummedExposures());
778  if (ncols == image->get_Width() && nrows == image->get_Height()) {
779  int npix = ncols*nrows;
781  T *srcp = this -> data();
782  T2 *destp = image -> data();
784  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
785  *srcp++ += *destp++;
786  }
787  } else {
788  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
789  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
790  this -> addValue(col, row, image->value(col, row));
791  }
792  }
794  QcepDoubleList norm = this->get_Normalization();
795  QcepDoubleList extra = this->get_ExtraInputs();
797  QcepDoubleList norm2 = image->get_Normalization();
798  QcepDoubleList extra2= image->get_ExtraInputs();
800  for (int i=0; i<norm.count(); i++) {
801  norm[i] += norm2.value(i);
802  }
804  for (int i=0; i<extra.count(); i++) {
805  extra[i] += extra2.value(i);
806  }
808  this->set_Normalization(norm);
809  this->set_ExtraInputs(extra);
810  }
811  }
812 }
void addValue(int x, int y, T val)
QList< double > QcepDoubleList
Definition: qcepmacros.h:28

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::add< double > ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  image)

Definition at line 816 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::addValue(), and QcepImageData< T >::data().

817 {
818  if (image) {
819  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
820  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
822  this->prop_SummedExposures()->incValue(image->get_SummedExposures());
824  if (ncols == image->get_Width() && nrows == image->get_Height()) {
825  int npix = ncols*nrows;
827  T *srcp = this -> data();
828  T2 *destp = image -> data();
830  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
831  *srcp++ += *destp++;
832  }
833  } else {
834  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
835  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
836  this -> addValue(col, row, image->value(col, row));
837  }
838  }
839  }
840  }
841 }
void addValue(int x, int y, T val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::addValue ( int  x,
int  y,

Definition at line 466 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::accumulateImage(), and QcepImageData< T >::add().

467 {
468  if (x >= 0 && x < get_Width() && y >= 0 && y < get_Height()) {
469  m_Image[(get_Height()-y-1)*get_Width()+x] += val;
470  }
471 }
QVector< T > m_Image

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::averageInEllipse ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1583 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1584 {
1585  QPointF c = rect.center();
1586  double a = rect.width()/2;
1587  double b = rect.height()/2;
1589  int bt = qRound(rect.bottom());
1590  int tp = qRound(rect.top());
1592  int np = 0;
1593  double sum = 0;
1595  for (int row=tp; row<=bt; row++) {
1596  double y=row - c.y();
1597  double xx = a*sqrt(1 - pow(y/b,2));
1598  int x1 = qRound(c.x() - xx);
1599  int x2 = qRound(c.x() + xx);
1601  for (int col=x1; col<=x2; col++) {
1602  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1603  T val = value(col, row);
1605  if (val==val) {
1606  np++;
1607  sum += val;
1608  }
1609  }
1610  }
1611  }
1613  return sum/np;
1614 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::averageInRectangle ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1430 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1431 {
1432  int l = qRound(rect.left());
1433  int t = qRound(rect.top());
1434  int r = qRound(rect.right());
1435  int b = qRound(rect.bottom());
1437  if (l > r) {
1438  l = qRound(rect.right());
1439  r = qRound(rect.left());
1440  }
1442  if (b > t) {
1443  b = qRound(rect.top());
1444  t = qRound(rect.bottom());
1445  }
1447  int np = 0;
1448  double sum = 0;
1450  for (int row=b; row<=t; row++) {
1451  for (int col=l; col<=r; col++) {
1452  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1453  T val = value(col, row);
1455  if (val==val) {
1456  np++;
1457  sum += val;
1458  }
1459  }
1460  }
1461  }
1463  return sum/np;
1464 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::calculateRange ( )

Definition at line 510 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image, QcepImageData< T >::m_MaxValue, and QcepImageData< T >::m_MinValue.

511 {
512  T *img = m_Image.data();
513  int total = m_Image.count();
514  int first = true;
516  m_MinValue = 0;
517  m_MaxValue = 0;
519  for (int i = 0; i<total; i++) {
520  T val = img[i];
522  if (val == val) { // NaN test...
523  if (first) {
524  m_MaxValue = val;
525  m_MinValue = val;
526  first = false;
527  } else if (val > m_MaxValue) {
528  m_MaxValue = val;
529  } else if (val < m_MinValue) {
530  m_MinValue = val;
531  }
532  }
533  }
534 }
QVector< T > m_Image
template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::calculateRangeInCircle ( )

Definition at line 537 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_MaxValue, QcepImageData< T >::m_MinValue, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

538 {
539  bool first = 1;
541  double cx = get_Width()/2, cy = get_Height()/2;
543  m_MinValue = 0;
544  m_MaxValue = 0;
546  for (int y=0; y<get_Height(); y++) {
547  double dy = (((double)y)-cy)/cy;
548  double dx = sqrt(1-dy*dy);
549  int x0 = (int) (cx-dx*cx);
550  int x1 = (int) (cx+dx*cx);
552  for (int x=x0; x<x1; x++) {
553  T val = value(x,y);
555  if (val == val) { // NaN test...
556  if (first) {
557  m_MinValue = val;
558  m_MaxValue = val;
559  first = false;
560  } else if (val > m_MaxValue) {
561  m_MaxValue = val;
562  } else if (val < m_MinValue) {
563  m_MinValue = val;
564  }
565  }
566  }
567  }
568 }
T value(int x, int y) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::clear ( )

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 612 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Default, and QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

613 {
614  m_Image.fill(m_Default);
615 }
QVector< T > m_Image
template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::copyFrom< unsigned int > ( const QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  img)

Definition at line 748 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageDataBase::copyPropertiesFrom(), QcepImageData< T >::data(), and QcepImageData< T >::resize().

749 {
750  if (img) {
751  int ncols = img -> get_Width();
752  int nrows = img -> get_Height();
753  int npix = ncols*nrows;
755  this -> resize(ncols, nrows);
757  this -> copyPropertiesFrom(img);
759  T2 *srcp = img -> data();
760  T *destp = this -> data();
762  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
763  *destp++ = *srcp++;
764  }
765  }
766 }
void resize(int width, int height)
void copyPropertiesFrom(QSharedPointer< QcepImageDataBase > src)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
void QcepImageData< T >::copyImage ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  dest)

Definition at line 726 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageDataBase::copyProperties(), QcepImageData< T >::data(), and QcepImageData< T >::resize().

727 {
728  if (dest) {
729  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
730  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
731  int npix = ncols*nrows;
733  dest -> resize(ncols, nrows);
735  this -> copyProperties(dest.data());
737  T *srcp = this -> data();
738  T2 *destp = dest -> data();
740  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
741  *destp++ = *srcp++;
742  }
743  }
744 }
void resize(int width, int height)
void copyProperties(QcepImageDataBase *dest)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::correctBadBackgroundSubtraction ( QcepDoubleImageDataPtr  dark,
int  nImgExposures,
int  nDarkExposures 

Definition at line 1146 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::setValue(), and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1147 {
1148  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
1149  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
1151  double badRatio = ((double) this->get_SummedExposures())/((double) dark->get_SummedExposures());
1152  double goodRatio = ((double) nImgExposures)/((double) nDarkExposures);
1154  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
1155  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
1156  double darkValue = dark->value(col,row);
1157  double imgValue = this->value(col,row);
1159  imgValue += darkValue*badRatio;
1160  imgValue -= darkValue*goodRatio;
1162  this->setValue(col, row, imgValue);
1163  }
1164  }
1166  this->set_SummedExposures(nImgExposures);
1167 }
T value(int x, int y) const
void setValue(int x, int y, T val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
double QcepImageData< T >::correlate ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > >  image,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  mx,
int  my 

Definition at line 931 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::value().

932 {
933  double sum=0;
935  if (image) {
936  int wd = this->get_Width();
937  int ht = this->get_Height();
939  for (int y=my; y<ht-my; y++) {
940  for (int x=mx; x<wd-mx; x++) {
941  sum += this->value(x,y)*image->value(x+dx,y+dy);
942  }
943  }
944  }
946  return sum;
947 }
T value(int x, int y) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T * QcepImageData< T >::data ( )
template<typename T >
T QcepImageData< T >::defaultValue ( ) const

Definition at line 618 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Default.

619 {
620  return m_Default;
621 }
template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::divide< double > ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  image)

Definition at line 903 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::data(), and QcepImageData< T >::divideValue().

904 {
905  if (image) {
906  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
907  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
909  this->prop_SummedExposures()->incValue(image->get_SummedExposures());
911  if (ncols == image->get_Width() && nrows == image->get_Height()) {
912  int npix = ncols*nrows;
914  T *srcp = this -> data();
915  T2 *destp = image -> data();
917  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
918  *srcp++ /= *destp++;
919  }
920  } else {
921  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
922  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
923  this -> divideValue(col, row, image->value(col, row));
924  }
925  }
926  }
927  }
928 }
void divideValue(int x, int y, T val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::divideValue ( int  x,
int  y,

Definition at line 490 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::divide().

491 {
492  if (x >= 0 && x < get_Width() && y >= 0 && y < get_Height()) {
493  m_Image[(get_Height()-y-1)*get_Width()+x] /= val;
494  }
495 }
QVector< T > m_Image

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::dumpPixels ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1 

Definition at line 571 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::value().

572 {
573  for (int y=y0; y<y1; y++) {
574  for (int x=x0; x<x1; x++) {
575  printf("%g ", (double) value(x,y));
576  }
577  printf("\n");
578  }
579 }
T value(int x, int y) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::fill ( double  val)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 444 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

445 {
446  m_Image.fill(val);
447 }
QVector< T > m_Image
template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::findAverage ( ) const

Definition at line 1052 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1053 {
1054  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
1055  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
1056  double npix = 0;
1057  double sum = 0;
1059  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
1060  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
1061  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col,row)) {
1062  double val = this -> value(col, row);
1064  if (val==val) {
1065  npix += 1;
1066  sum += val;
1067  }
1068  }
1069  }
1070  }
1072  if (npix <= 0) {
1073  return 0;
1074  } else {
1075  return sum/npix;
1076  }
1077 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T QcepImageData< T >::findMax ( ) const

Definition at line 1024 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::maxValue().

1025 {
1026  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
1027  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
1028  int first = true;
1029  T maxv = 0;
1031  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
1032  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
1033  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col,row)) {
1034  T val = this -> value(col, row);
1036  if (val == val) {
1037  if (first) {
1038  maxv = val;
1039  first = false;
1040  } else if (val > maxv){
1041  maxv = val;
1042  }
1043  }
1044  }
1045  }
1046  }
1048  return maxv;
1049 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T QcepImageData< T >::findMin ( ) const

Definition at line 996 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::minValue().

997 {
998  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
999  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
1000  int first = true;
1001  T minv = 0;
1003  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
1004  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
1005  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col,row)) {
1006  T val = this->value(col, row);
1008  if (val == val) { // Skip NaNs
1009  if (first) {
1010  minv = val;
1011  first = false;
1012  } else if (val < minv){
1013  minv = val;
1014  }
1015  }
1016  }
1017  }
1018  }
1020  return minv;
1021 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::fromScriptValue ( const QScriptValue &  obj,
QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > &  data 

Definition at line 1176 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::data().

1177 {
1178  QObject *qobj = obj.toQObject();
1180  if (qobj) {
1181  QcepDataObject *qdobj = qobject_cast<QcepDataObject*>(qobj);
1183  if (qdobj) {
1184  QcepDataObjectPtr p = qdobj->sharedFromThis();
1186  if (p) {
1187  QSharedPointer<QcepImageData<T> > cs = qSharedPointerDynamicCast< QcepImageData<T> >(p);
1189  if (cs) {
1190  data = cs;
1191  }
1192  }
1193  }
1194  }
1195 }
QSharedPointer< QcepDataObject > QcepDataObjectPtr

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::getImageData ( int  x,
int  y 
) const

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 432 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::value().

433 {
434  return this->value(x,y);
435 }
T value(int x, int y) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QVector< double > QcepImageData< T >::getImageData ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1 
) const

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 418 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::value().

419 {
420  QVector<double> res;
422  for (int y=y0; y<y1; y++) {
423  for (int x=x0; x<x1; x++) {
424  res << this->value(x,y);
425  }
426  }
428  return res;
429 }
T value(int x, int y) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QcepMaskDataPtr QcepImageData< T >::mask ( ) const

Definition at line 972 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::setMask().

973 {
974  return m_Mask;
975 }
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::maxInEllipse ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1655 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1656 {
1657  QPointF c = rect.center();
1658  double a = rect.width()/2;
1659  double b = rect.height()/2;
1661  int bt = qRound(rect.bottom());
1662  int tp = qRound(rect.top());
1664  int first = true;
1665  double max = 0;
1667  for (int row=tp; row<=bt; row++) {
1668  double y=row - c.y();
1669  double xx = a*sqrt(1 - pow(y/b,2));
1670  int x1 = qRound(c.x() - xx);
1671  int x2 = qRound(c.x() + xx);
1673  for (int col=x1; col<=x2; col++) {
1674  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1675  T val = value(col, row);
1677  if (val==val) {
1678  if (first) {
1679  max = val;
1680  first = false;
1681  } else if (val > max) {
1682  max = val;
1683  }
1684  }
1685  }
1686  }
1687  }
1689  return max;
1690 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::maxInRectangle ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1508 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1509 {
1510  int l = qRound(rect.left());
1511  int t = qRound(rect.top());
1512  int r = qRound(rect.right());
1513  int b = qRound(rect.bottom());
1515  if (l > r) {
1516  l = qRound(rect.right());
1517  r = qRound(rect.left());
1518  }
1520  if (b > t) {
1521  b = qRound(rect.top());
1522  t = qRound(rect.bottom());
1523  }
1525  int first = true;
1526  double max = 0;
1528  for (int row=b; row<=t; row++) {
1529  for (int col=l; col<=r; col++) {
1530  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1531  T val = value(col, row);
1533  if (val==val) {
1534  if (first) {
1535  max = val;
1536  first = false;
1537  } else if (val > max) {
1538  max = val;
1539  }
1540  }
1541  }
1542  }
1543  }
1545  return max;
1546 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::maxValue ( ) const

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 990 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::findMax().

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::percentileRange().

991 {
992  return findMax();
993 }
T findMax() const

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::minInEllipse ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1617 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1618 {
1619  QPointF c = rect.center();
1620  double a = rect.width()/2;
1621  double b = rect.height()/2;
1623  int bt = qRound(rect.bottom());
1624  int tp = qRound(rect.top());
1626  int first = true;
1627  double min = 0;
1629  for (int row=tp; row<=bt; row++) {
1630  double y=row - c.y();
1631  double xx = a*sqrt(1 - pow(y/b,2));
1632  int x1 = qRound(c.x() - xx);
1633  int x2 = qRound(c.x() + xx);
1635  for (int col=x1; col<=x2; col++) {
1636  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1637  T val = value(col, row);
1639  if (val==val) {
1640  if (first) {
1641  min = val;
1642  first = false;
1643  } else if (val < min) {
1644  min = val;
1645  }
1646  }
1647  }
1648  }
1649  }
1651  return min;
1652 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::minInRectangle ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1467 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1468 {
1469  int l = qRound(rect.left());
1470  int t = qRound(rect.top());
1471  int r = qRound(rect.right());
1472  int b = qRound(rect.bottom());
1474  if (l > r) {
1475  l = qRound(rect.right());
1476  r = qRound(rect.left());
1477  }
1479  if (b > t) {
1480  b = qRound(rect.top());
1481  t = qRound(rect.bottom());
1482  }
1484  int first = true;
1485  double min = 0;
1487  for (int row=b; row<=t; row++) {
1488  for (int col=l; col<=r; col++) {
1489  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1490  T val = value(col, row);
1492  if (val==val) {
1493  if (first) {
1494  min = val;
1495  first = false;
1496  } else if (val < min) {
1497  min = val;
1498  }
1499  }
1500  }
1501  }
1502  }
1504  return min;
1505 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::minValue ( ) const

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 984 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::findMin().

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::percentileRange().

985 {
986  return findMin();
987 }
T findMin() const

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::multiply< double > ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  image)

Definition at line 874 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::data(), and QcepImageData< T >::multiplyValue().

875 {
876  if (image) {
877  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
878  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
880  this->prop_SummedExposures()->incValue(image->get_SummedExposures());
882  if (ncols == image->get_Width() && nrows == image->get_Height()) {
883  int npix = ncols*nrows;
885  T *srcp = this -> data();
886  T2 *destp = image -> data();
888  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
889  *srcp++ *= *destp++;
890  }
891  } else {
892  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
893  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
894  this -> multiplyValue(col, row, image->value(col, row));
895  }
896  }
897  }
898  }
899 }
void multiplyValue(int x, int y, T val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::multiplyValue ( int  x,
int  y,

Definition at line 482 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::multiply().

483 {
484  if (x >= 0 && x < get_Width() && y >= 0 && y < get_Height()) {
485  m_Image[(get_Height()-y-1)*get_Width()+x] *= val;
486  }
487 }
QVector< T > m_Image

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > QcepImageData< T >::newImage ( QcepSettingsSaverWPtr  saver,
QString  name,
int  width,
int  height,
QcepObject parent 

Definition at line 372 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

Referenced by QcepDataGroup::newImage(), and QcepDatasetModel::newImage().

374 {
375  QSharedPointer< QcepImageData<T> > res(new QcepImageData<T>(saver, width, height, 0, parent));
377  res->setObjectName(name);
379  return res;
380 }
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49
QcepSettingsSaverWPtr saver()

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QcepMaskDataPtr QcepImageData< T >::overflow ( ) const

Definition at line 978 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Overflow.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::setMask().

979 {
980  return m_Overflow;
981 }
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Overflow

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QPointF QcepImageData< T >::percentileRange ( double  lowpct,
double  highpct 

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1080 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, QcepImageData< T >::maxValue(), QcepImageData< T >::minValue(), and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1081 {
1082  const int histSize = 65536;
1083  QVector<int> histogramVec(histSize+1);
1084  histogramVec.fill(0.0);
1085  int *histogram = histogramVec.data();
1087  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
1088  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
1090  double minVal = minValue();
1091  double maxVal = maxValue();
1093  double histStep = (maxVal - minVal + 2)/histSize;
1094  int nAbove = 0, nBelow = 0, nTotal = 0;
1096  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
1097  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
1098  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1099  double val = value(col, row);
1101  if (val==val) {
1102  double bin = (val - minVal)/histStep;
1104  if (bin < 0) {
1105  nBelow += 1;
1106  } else if (bin >= histSize) {
1107  nAbove += 1;
1108  } else {
1109  histogram[(int) bin] += 1;
1110  }
1112  nTotal += 1;
1113  }
1114  }
1115  }
1116  }
1118  double lowCount = ((double) nTotal) * lowpct / 100.0;
1119  double highCount = ((double) nTotal) * highpct / 100.0;
1120  double count = nBelow;
1122  QPointF res(0,0);
1124  for (int i=0; i<histSize; i++) {
1125  double binVal = minVal + i*histStep;
1127  count += histogram[i];
1129  if (count < lowCount) {
1130  res.setX(binVal);
1131  }
1133  if (count < highCount) {
1134  res.setY(binVal);
1135  }
1136  }
1138  if (res.y() <= res.x()) {
1139  res.setY(res.x() + 1);
1140  }
1142  return res;
1143 }
double maxValue() const
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask
double minValue() const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
QString QcepImageData< T >::rawFileName ( )

Definition at line 715 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepObject::name.

716 {
717  QFileInfo info(QcepImageData<T>::get_FileName());
719  QString name = info.dir().filePath(info.completeBaseName()+".raw.tif");
721  return name;
722 }
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49
template<typename T >
bool QcepImageData< T >::readImage ( QString  filename)

Definition at line 630 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageDataFormatFactory< T >::factory(), and QcepImageDataBase::fileBase.

631 {
632  QcepImageDataFormat<T> *loader =
635  if (loader) {
636  bool res = loader -> loadFile(path, this);
638  if (res) {
639  QString fileBase = QFileInfo(path).fileName();
641  set_FileBase(fileBase);
642  set_Title(fileBase);
643  set_FileName(path);
644  set_ObjectSaved(true);
645  }
647  return res;
648  } else {
649  return false;
650  }
651 }
static QcepImageDataFormatFactory< T > * factory()

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::resize ( int  width,
int  height 

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 582 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepAllocator::allocate(), QcepImageDataBase::height, QcepImageData< T >::m_Image, QcepImageData< T >::setValue(), QcepImageData< T >::value(), and QcepImageDataBase::width.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::copyFrom(), and QcepImageData< T >::copyImage().

583 {
584  QcepImageData<T> temp(QcepSettingsSaverPtr(), get_Width(), get_Height(), 0, this);
586  int oldwidth = get_Width();
587  int oldheight= get_Height();
589  for (int y=0; y<oldheight; y++) {
590  for (int x=0; x<oldwidth; x++) {
591  temp.setValue(x, y, value(x,y));
592  }
593  }
595  set_Width(width);
596  set_Height(height);
598  m_Image.resize(width*height);
600  for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
601  for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
602  setValue(x, y, temp.value(x,y));
603  }
604  }
606  set_ByteSize(width*height*sizeof(T));
608  QcepAllocator::allocate((width*height - oldwidth*oldheight)*sizeof(T));
609 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QSharedPointer< QcepSettingsSaver > QcepSettingsSaverPtr
void setValue(int x, int y, T val)
static void allocate(int sz, int width, int height)
QVector< T > m_Image

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::saveData ( QString &  name,
QString  filter,
Overwrite  canOverwrite = NoOverwrite 

Reimplemented from QcepDataObject.

Definition at line 1371 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageDataBase::fileFormatCSV(), QcepImageDataBase::fileFormatTabDelimited(), QcepImageDataBase::fileFormatTIFF(), QcepImageDataBase::fileFormatTransposedCSV(), QcepImageDataBase::fileFormatTransposedTabDelimited(), QcepDataObject::mkPath(), QcepDataObject::NoOverwrite, QcepImageDataBase::saveTextData(), QcepImageData< T >::saveTIFFData(), and QcepDataObject::uniqueFileName().

1372 {
1373  mkPath(name);
1375  if (canOverwrite == NoOverwrite) {
1377  }
1379  if (filter == fileFormatTIFF()) {
1380  saveTIFFData(name);
1381  } else if (filter == fileFormatTabDelimited()) {
1382  saveTextData(name, "\t", false);
1383  } else if (filter == fileFormatTransposedTabDelimited()) {
1384  saveTextData(name, "\t", true);
1385  } else if (filter == fileFormatCSV()) {
1386  saveTextData(name, ", ", false);
1387  } else if (filter == fileFormatTransposedCSV()) {
1388  saveTextData(name, ", ", true);
1389  }
1390 }
void saveTextData(QString name, QString sep, bool transp=false)
QString uniqueFileName(QString name)
void mkPath(QString filePath)
QString fileFormatTransposedCSV()
QString fileFormatTIFF()
void saveTIFFData(QString name)
QString fileFormatTabDelimited()
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49
QString fileFormatTransposedTabDelimited()

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::saveTIFFData ( QString  name)

Definition at line 1241 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageDataBase::saveMetaData(), TIFFCHECK, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::saveData().

1242 {
1243  int nrows = get_Height();
1244  int ncols = get_Width();
1246  TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen(qPrintable(name),"w");
1247  int res = 1;
1249  if (tif) {
1250  int nsum = get_SummedExposures();
1258  if (nsum == 0) {
1260  } else if (nsum == 1) {
1262  } else {
1264  }
1268  TIFFCHECK(TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, qPrintable(get_FileName())));
1269  TIFFCHECK(TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DATETIME, qPrintable(get_DateTime().toString("yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss"))));
1271  if (nsum == 0) {
1272  QVector<quint8> buffvec(ncols);
1273  quint8* buffer = buffvec.data();
1275  for (int y=0; y<nrows; y++) {
1276  for (int x=0; x<ncols; x++) {
1277  buffer[x] = value(x,y);
1278  }
1280  TIFFCHECK(TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buffer, y, 0));
1281  }
1282  } else if (nsum == 1) {
1283  QVector<quint16> buffvec(ncols);
1284  quint16* buffer = buffvec.data();
1286  for (int y=0; y<nrows; y++) {
1287  for (int x=0; x<ncols; x++) {
1288  buffer[x] = value(x,y);
1289  }
1291  TIFFCHECK(TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buffer, y, 0));
1292  }
1293  } else {
1294  QVector<quint32> buffvec(ncols);
1295  quint32* buffer = buffvec.data();
1297  for (int y=0; y<nrows; y++) {
1298  for (int x=0; x<ncols; x++) {
1299  buffer[x] = value(x,y);
1300  }
1302  TIFFCHECK(TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buffer, y, 0));
1303  }
1304  }
1306  TIFFClose(tif);
1308  set_FileName(name);
1309  set_ObjectSaved(true);
1311  saveMetaData();
1312  }
1313 }
#define TIFFCHECK(a)
T value(int x, int y) const
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49
struct tiff TIFF
Definition: qcepimagedata.h:21

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QcepImageData< double >::saveTIFFData ( QString  name)

Definition at line 1200 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageDataBase::saveMetaData(), TIFFCHECK, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1201 {
1202  int nrows = get_Height();
1203  int ncols = get_Width();
1205  TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen(qPrintable(name),"w");
1206  int res = 1;
1208  if (tif) {
1217  TIFFCHECK(TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, qPrintable(get_FileName())));
1218  TIFFCHECK(TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DATETIME, qPrintable(get_DateTime().toString("yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss"))));
1220  QVector<float> buffvec(ncols);
1221  float* buffer = buffvec.data();
1223  for (int y=0; y<nrows; y++) {
1224  for (int x=0; x<ncols; x++) {
1225  buffer[x] = value(x,y);
1226  }
1228  TIFFCHECK(TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buffer, y, 0));
1229  }
1231  TIFFClose(tif);
1233  set_FileName(name);
1234  set_ObjectSaved(true);
1236  saveMetaData();
1237  }
1238 }
#define TIFFCHECK(a)
T value(int x, int y) const
QString name
Definition: qcepobject.h:49
struct tiff TIFF
Definition: qcepimagedata.h:21

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::setDefaultValue ( def)

Definition at line 624 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Default.

625 {
626  m_Default = def;
627 }
template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::setImageData ( int  x,
int  y,
double  v 

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 450 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

451 {
452  if (x >= 0 && x < get_Width() && y >= 0 && y < get_Height()) {
453  m_Image[(get_Height()-y-1)*get_Width()+x] = v;
454  }
455 }
QVector< T > m_Image
template<typename T >
void QcepImageData< T >::setMask ( QcepMaskDataPtr  mask,
QcepMaskDataPtr  overflow 

Definition at line 965 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, QcepImageData< T >::m_Overflow, QcepImageData< T >::mask(), and QcepImageData< T >::overflow().

966 {
967  m_Mask = mask;
969 }
QcepMaskDataPtr overflow() const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Overflow
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask
QcepMaskDataPtr mask() const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::setValue ( int  x,
int  y,

Definition at line 458 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::correctBadBackgroundSubtraction(), QcepImageData< T >::resize(), and QcepImageData< T >::shiftImage().

459 {
460  if (x >= 0 && x < get_Width() && y >= 0 && y < get_Height()) {
461  m_Image[(get_Height()-y-1)*get_Width()+x] = val;
462  }
463 }
QVector< T > m_Image

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::shiftImage ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > >  image,
double  dx,
double  dy 

Definition at line 950 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::setValue().

951 {
952  if (image) {
953  int wd = this->get_Width();
954  int ht = this->get_Height();
956  for (int y=0; y<ht; y++) {
957  for (int x=0; x<wd; x++) {
958  this->setValue(x,y, image->value(x+dx,y+dy));
959  }
960  }
961  }
962 }
void setValue(int x, int y, T val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::subtract< double > ( QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  image)

Definition at line 845 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::data(), and QcepImageData< T >::subtractValue().

846 {
847  if (image) {
848  int ncols = this -> get_Width();
849  int nrows = this -> get_Height();
851  this->prop_SummedExposures()->incValue(image->get_SummedExposures());
853  if (ncols == image->get_Width() && nrows == image->get_Height()) {
854  int npix = ncols*nrows;
856  T *srcp = this -> data();
857  T2 *destp = image -> data();
859  for (int i=0; i<npix; i++) {
860  *srcp++ -= *destp++;
861  }
862  } else {
863  for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
864  for (int col=0; col<ncols; col++) {
865  this -> subtractValue(col, row, image->value(col, row));
866  }
867  }
868  }
869  }
870 }
void subtractValue(int x, int y, T val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
template<typename T2 >
template void QcepImageData< T >::subtractDark ( const QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T2 > >  dark)

Definition at line 655 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::data(), QcepImageDataBase::height, QcepImageDataBase::mutex(), QcepImageDataBase::printMessage(), QcepImageDataBase::SubtractedData, and QcepImageDataBase::width.

656 {
657  // if (get_PerformDarkSubtraction()) {
658  if (dark->get_ExposureTime() != this->get_ExposureTime()) {
659  printMessage("Exposure times of acquired data and dark image are different, skipping");
660  return;
661  }
663  if (dark->get_Width() != this->get_Width() ||
664  dark->get_Height() != this->get_Height()) {
665  printMessage("Dimensions of acquired data and dark image are different, skipping");
666  return;
667  }
669  if (dark->get_CameraGain() != this->get_CameraGain()) {
670  printMessage("Gains of acquired data and dark image are different, skipping");
671  return;
672  }
674  // if (!(image->get_DataType() == QcepDoubleImageData::Raw16Data ||
675  // image->get_DataType() == QcepDoubleImageData::Raw32Data)) {
676  // printMessage("Acquired data is not a raw image, skipping background subtraction");
677  // return;
678  // }
680  QcepMutexLocker lock1(__FILE__, __LINE__, dark->mutex());
681  QcepMutexLocker lock2(__FILE__, __LINE__, this->mutex());
683  int height = this->get_Height();
684  int width = this->get_Width();
685  int nres = this -> get_SummedExposures();
686  int ndrk = dark -> get_SummedExposures();
687  int npixels = width*height;
689  if (nres <= 0) nres = 1;
691  double ratio = ((double) nres)/((double) ndrk);
693  // printf("Dark subtraction nres=%d, ndrk=%d, npixels=%d, ratio=%g\n",
694  // nres, ndrk, npixels, ratio);
696  double *result = this->data();
697  T2 *dk = dark->data();
698  double avgraw = 0;
699  // double avgdark = 0;
701  for (int i=0; i<npixels; i++) {
702  // avgdark += dk[i];
703  avgraw += result[i];
704  result[i] = result[i]-ratio*dk[i];
705  }
707  // set_AverageDark(avgdark/npixels/ndrk);
708 // set_AverageRaw(avgraw/npixels/nres);
709 // set_Average(get_AverageRaw() - get_AverageDark());
711  this -> set_DataType(SubtractedData);
712 }
void printMessage(QString msg, QDateTime ts=QDateTime::currentDateTime()) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
void QcepImageData< T >::subtractValue ( int  x,
int  y,

Definition at line 474 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Image.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::subtract().

475 {
476  if (x >= 0 && x < get_Width() && y >= 0 && y < get_Height()) {
477  m_Image[(get_Height()-y-1)*get_Width()+x] -= val;
478  }
479 }
QVector< T > m_Image

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::sumInEllipse ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1549 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1550 {
1551  QPointF c = rect.center();
1552  double a = rect.width()/2;
1553  double b = rect.height()/2;
1555  int bt = qRound(rect.bottom());
1556  int tp = qRound(rect.top());
1558  int np = 0;
1559  double sum = 0;
1561  for (int row=tp; row<=bt; row++) {
1562  double y=row - c.y();
1563  double xx = a*sqrt(1 - pow(y/b,2));
1564  int x1 = qRound(c.x() - xx);
1565  int x2 = qRound(c.x() + xx);
1567  for (int col=x1; col<=x2; col++) {
1568  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1569  T val = value(col, row);
1571  if (val==val) {
1572  np++;
1573  sum += val;
1574  }
1575  }
1576  }
1577  }
1579  return sum;
1580 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::sumInPeak ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1693 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1694 {
1695  QPointF c = rect.center();
1696  double w = rect.width()/2;
1697  double h = rect.height()/2;
1699  int bt = qRound(rect.bottom());
1700  int tp = qRound(rect.top());
1701  int lf = qRound(rect.left());
1702  int rt = qRound(rect.right());
1704  int ptp = qRound(c.y() - h/2);
1705  int pbt = qRound(c.y() + h/2);
1706  int plf = qRound(c.x() - w/2);
1707  int prt = qRound(c.x() + w/2);
1709  int np = 0;
1710  double sum = 0;
1711  int npk = 0;
1712  double sumpk = 0;
1714  for (int row=tp; row<=bt; row++) {
1715  for (int col=lf; col<=rt; col++) {
1716  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col,row)) {
1717  T val = value(col,row);
1719  if (val == val) {
1720  if (ptp <= row && row <= pbt && plf <= col && col <= prt) {
1721  npk++;
1722  sumpk += val;
1723  } else {
1724  np++;
1725  sum += val;
1726  }
1727  }
1728  }
1729  }
1730  }
1732  if (np > 0 && npk > 0) {
1733  double avbk = sum/np;
1734  double avpk = sumpk/npk;
1736  return (avpk-avbk)*npk;
1737  } else {
1738  return 0;
1739  }
1740 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
double QcepImageData< T >::sumInRectangle ( QRectF  rect)

Implements QcepImageDataBase.

Definition at line 1393 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask, and QcepImageData< T >::value().

1394 {
1395  int l = qRound(rect.left());
1396  int t = qRound(rect.top());
1397  int r = qRound(rect.right());
1398  int b = qRound(rect.bottom());
1400  if (l > r) {
1401  l = qRound(rect.right());
1402  r = qRound(rect.left());
1403  }
1405  if (b > t) {
1406  b = qRound(rect.top());
1407  t = qRound(rect.bottom());
1408  }
1410  int np = 0;
1411  double sum = 0;
1413  for (int row=b; row<=t; row++) {
1414  for (int col=l; col<=r; col++) {
1415  if (m_Mask == NULL || m_Mask->value(col, row)) {
1416  T val = value(col, row);
1418  if (val==val) {
1419  np++;
1420  sum += val;
1421  }
1422  }
1423  }
1424  }
1426  return sum;
1427 }
T value(int x, int y) const
QcepMaskDataPtr m_Mask

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
QScriptValue QcepImageData< T >::toScriptValue ( QScriptEngine *  engine,
const QSharedPointer< QcepImageData< T > > &  data 

Definition at line 1170 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::data().

1171 {
1172  return engine->newQObject(data.data());
1173 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T QcepImageData< T >::value ( int  x,
int  y 
) const
template<typename T >
T QcepImageData< T >::value ( double  x,
double  y 
) const

Definition at line 399 of file qcepimagedata.cpp.

References QcepImageData< T >::value().

400 {
401  int ix = ((int) x), iy = ((int) y);
402  double dx = x-ix, dy = y-iy;
404  double f00 = value((ix) , (iy));
405  double f10 = value((ix+1) , (iy));
406  double f01 = value((ix) , (iy+1));
407  double f11 = value((ix+1) , (iy+1));
409  double f0 = f00*(1-dx)+f10*dx;
410  double f1 = f01*(1-dx)+f11*dx;
412  double f = f0*(1-dy)+f1*dy;
414  return f;
415 }
T value(int x, int y) const

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

template<typename T>
T QcepImageData< T >::m_Default
template<typename T>
QVector<T> QcepImageData< T >::m_Image
template<typename T>
QcepMaskDataPtr QcepImageData< T >::m_Mask
template<typename T>
T QcepImageData< T >::m_MaxValue
template<typename T>
T QcepImageData< T >::m_MinValue
template<typename T>
QcepMaskDataPtr QcepImageData< T >::m_Overflow

Definition at line 352 of file qcepimagedata.h.

Referenced by QcepImageData< T >::overflow(), and QcepImageData< T >::setMask().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: